Wednesday, February 8, 2012 Widget (Digital "Missing Work" Folder)

"I forgot all my work at school and spent the night watching videos on YouTube!"

I've never heard that exact quote, but I've heard similar statements; usually the first half is to the teacher and the second is to their friend. This statement combines a common problem and a potential solution. Even the hardest working, most dependable person will forget something, somewhere and will be unable to retrieve it in time.

My classroom blog includes a widget with spelling lists, grading rubrics, and some homework assignments. This allows students and their families to access classwork if the student forgets to bring it home. The teacher needs to set up a free account and embed the widget code, but downloading the spelling lists or science worksheet is easy and doesn't require a sign-in, membership or e-mail address. The student or family member simply selects the document and clicks "download."

The widget will accept almost any format, but if your plan is to share with students, there's nothing better than a PDF. A PDF can be accessed on almost any device or computer and it is a relatively small file, which means that families with a slow Internet connection can still download it quickly. To turn a Word document into a PDF, simply click "Save As" and change the format. (Video explaining process)

Another option for making documents available on the Internet is to use Google Documents and then insert a hyperlink into your blog. Like this one!

In a future post I will share some of the ways that I use Google Docs and Google Apps, but in the meantime, here is some information from Google.

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